Thursday 3 January 2013

My Dining Room Interior

450 Word Statement

There is something about Manchester. It is a city which always led in innovation, progress and, latterly, urban regeneration.  The city showed its spirit when, after suffering a huge terrorist bomb, it quickly dusted itself down and began rebuilding a large part of the city centre. Today, the modern developments fit elegantly with their traditional counterparts. Each visit to Manchester leaves me more determined to become an architect.  Where better to pursue this ambition than in the city itself, particularly at MSA as one of the UK’s leading universities?  I am fortunate enough to be able to walk through the campus often and have noticed how happy the students are. My open day visit confirmed my expectations!

I recently visited the Taj Mahal on a trip to India. Widely regarded to be one of the world’s greatest pieces of architecture, it has been on my ‘buildings to see’ list for most of my life. It didn't disappoint. The Mausoleum’s dome scattered the sunlight in all directions, with the reflections on the marble giving the whole construction a heavenly appearance.  I circled the building twice before I could take it all in, but had to go round a third time to really absorb its beauty.  Islamic architecture like this was evident throughout India, but nothing else I witnessed was quite as magical.

My favourite architect is Frank Gehry. His work is out of this world. His Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and the Dancing House in Prague are both unbelievable bits of architecture. The Guggenheim, with its magnificent abstract curves, is widely regarded as one of the greatest architectural pieces of our age. I concur. I have visited Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim in New York and loved it. I know however that the Bilbao museum would offer many more details to admire. The Dancing House is brilliant, with its extreme distorting shape making passers-by feel they are moving quickly. Originally many in Prague resented it, as it differed significantly from the Baroque architecture surrounding it. Many people have now changed their minds however and it is has become one of Prague’s most popular tourist attractions.

I have never visited Dubai, but I would love to experience some of the architecture there, especially the phenomenal Burj Kalifah. Its existence has re-shaped peoples thinking and pushed out architectural boundaries.  I recently watched BBC’s “Supersized Earth” and became aware that you can climb to the very top. Now that would be an experience. The view from the top would be spectacular, especially considering that the panoramic view is of Dubai, one of the craziest places on the planet.

Pencil Drawing (A3) - Everyday Objects

Acrylic on Canvas (A1) - After the Match (work in progress)

Pencil drawing (A3) - A Snail's Pace

Acrylic Painting (A3) - Flanimals

Pencil Drawing (A4) - Man and Woman

Biro Drawing (A4) - Brains

Scout Moor - One of my favourite landscapes

Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao - A building I would like to visit

Dubai Cityscape